Together we can: Prosper
Inclusive and sustainable economic growth can drive progress and generate the means to implement the Sustainable Development Goals. Globally, labour productivity has increased and unemployment is back to pre-financial crisis levels, albeit , growing at a slower rate. More progress is needed to increase employment opportunities, particularly for young people, reduce informal employment and the gender pay gap and promote safe and secure working environments to create decent work for all.
Whats the Buzz About: Bee Farming
Honeybees are an integral part of the human food chain as pollinators of crops. Beekeeping has contributed to biodiversity and rural development through the centuries by supporting agricultural production and providing honey, wax, and other products for home use and sale.
SDG 8: Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
Society as a whole benefits when more people are being productive and contributing to their country’s growth. Productive employment and “decent work” are key elements to achieving fair globalization and poverty reduction. In addition, unemployment can lead to unrest and disrupt peace if it is left unaddressed.
In addition we need to improve conditions for the some 783 million women and men who are working, but not earning enough to lift themselves and their families out of poverty. While simultaneously working to ensure women and girls the opportunity to enjoy equal access to opportunities with men and boys for employment. (United Nations)