What's the buzz about
Honey I'm Home
Beekeeping is an old practice in Nepal that has helped vulnerable communities, who have limited access to land, conduct small scale beekeeping to make significant contributions to their livelihoods, yielding profits within a year of operation.
Bee farming means the bees promote biodiversity as pollinators and fight hunger. These honey producers provide decent jobs in agriculture and other sectors, advance the goal to reach no poverty, and maintain balance in our ecosystems.
Project Objective
To conserve and promote honeybee populations and improve Nepali's livelihoods
Build the capacity of 20 farmers
Provide 100 improved box-hives
Provide 20 business and money management trainings
Ensure the program is sustainable after 2 years of assistance
Honeybees are an integral part of the human food chain as pollinators of crops. Bee farmers play an essential role in maintaining biodiversity throughout Nepal. Beekeeping has contributed to biodiversity and rural development through the centuries by supporting agricultural production and providing honey, wax, and other products for home use and sale.
Farmers can take full advantage of bees through a modern approach to bee management using frame hives and focusing on production of quality colonies and quality honey.
Keeping honeybees is easy for farmers as they do not require much care. If managed properly, beekeeping can be developed as a low-input but high yield business. Conserving bees also helps farmers conserve the environment and native flora.